Gift Exchange With Tummy Gang...
My Bitch & I...
Hey Fara, dun steal my chicken wing...

Fricking hungry from all the walking at zoukout...
Gift Exchange With Tummy Gang...
My Bitch & I...
Hey Fara, dun steal my chicken wing...
Posted by AvAn at 2:19 AM 2 comments
Looking back, it has been 3 weeks since my last post. I must say the past 3 weeks have been rather eventful. It would probably take me hours to elaborate every details, so let me just present the more meaningful occasions in a nutshell.
1. On the very last day of MST, class 09 had our usual Xmas gift exchange. The only difference this time round is the gift I received. Personally, I would call it a "Jar of Love". From the bottom of my heart, I was touched upon receiving it from Shermeen. It isn't something extravagant but definitely something that takes a lot of thoughts and effort. The candies and chocolates in the jar are like drops of love kept by a friend. Not to mention the lil surprise hidden right in the midst of it...... Thanks again Shermeen for the wonderful gift.
2. Just last wed, we had a long mahjong session at my place. It wasn't so much on the money I won or what could have happened the night before. It was the guys who were present - terence, lulu, alvin, mendi and edward. When was the last time this bunch of us sat down and played mahjong together?!?!?!?! All of us have embarked on another chapter of our lives and we no longer have the luxury to have this sort of gathering. Maybe to most, they would see it as just a normal gambling session. To me, it's far beyond that. It's reminiscent of our "good" old days. It's the fun and laughter that we always have during this kinda occasions that make me cherish them till the day I die. On this old mahjong table of mine, many friendships were forged, many friendships were strengthened, many friendships were rekindled.
3. Lastly, it must be Zoukout with my bi-atch and her gang. Lol!!!! Honestly speaking, I am kinda disappointed with the whole Zoukout experience. Probably due to the fact that I was kinda tired from work and tuition; probably due to the fact that my bi-atch and her gang aren't really party people. Nonetheless, I still enjoyed my bi-atch's company for the night. To a certain extent, I feel we are like Will & Grace. Just that I'm not so gay and you're not so graceful. Hahahah!!!! Whatever it is, dun be so emo k. Look at ur bi-atch! I am no longer that emo like how I used to. I've improved and so should you. Anything can always talk to me k.
As much as I wanna upload some photos, I am too tired to do it. Will try to get some pics up in the next few days before someone starts to complain that my blog is too wordy again k. Before I hit the sack, I wanna wish all my frenz a Merry Xmas and Happy New Year. Very soon, it will be the dawn of a new year and may all your wishes come true. Goodnite and adios...
Posted by AvAn at 3:08 AM 0 comments
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