TIO LA!!!!! BO TAI BO JI WASTED 30 BUCKS!!!!!! ARGH!!!!!!!!!
Hai~ Somehow, in a way or another, I got conned into going to this LSB (lup sup bar for the uninitiated) to meet a colleague's fren who's doing MLM.
Yes, I am guilty as charged as one of those who made fun of mendi's LSB exploits. Even so, I dun deny the fact that I would like to experience it at least once. Having said so, I didn't want my first foray to happen like that, in the company of complete strangers barring one, under those kinda circumstances.
To make matters worse, I already told my colleague that I didn't want a hostess to keep me company given how uncomfortable I was feeling with so many unfamiliar faces staring at me. Before I could even bail myself out of the stifling atmosphere, what I dreaded most happened to transpire.
A voluptuous TKB (Tiong Kok Bu) with bosoms squeezed to the brink of explosion, armed with kevlar thick make-up and clad in contour accentuating tight cleavage exposing dress sat beside me with barely 1 millimetre of space apart. Wow!!! A lesser man would be staring at her you know where non-stop.
As I wasn't prepared for her entrance and never wanted her company in the first place, I kept my eyes and hands off her and gave her the cold shoulders. In all honesty, I was a lil tempted to you know but I seriously seriously didn't wanna spend money. Unperturbed by my nonchalance, she started making her move on me by invading my privacy or should I say outraging my modesty. Lol!!! With one hand caressing my thigh and the other pouring drinks for me, it was apparent that she was trying her very best to induce me into action by getting me high and aroused. Sorry lady, you chose the wrong client at the wrong place at the wrong time. If you were my gf, I could've and would've done it in a heartbeat. Too bad! Hanky-panky with a charge of 30 bucks under the scrutiny of pple I barely even know is an absolute no-go for me. Sian half, she finally decided to leave the room and seek for pastures new.
Since I was already there, I tried my best to put on my fakest facade and socialise a lil here and there by playing pool and having a few drinks. Sensing a wee bit of weariness; and a hell lot of discomfort in my eyes from the chimney like room, I decided to take my leave. It was then when my colleague dropped the bombshell. "Avan, wait for ur girl to come back la. You gotta pay her the tips before leaving if not will suay." He said. I told him I didn't do anything for crying out loud so why should I even tip her! Well mate... It seems that I got it all wrong. For most LSBs, you gotta tip the girl once she sits beside you and makes her move no matter whether you reciprocate. Not wanting to stay any longer, I duly passed the money to my colleague and left the place before more Kang Taos crop up.
Evidently, I wasn't the single bit pleased. My first experience was a Kang Tao and kinda a big one. On the flipside, and as a mean of consolation, at least I know what a LSB is like now.
Foray into LSB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Posted by AvAn at 3:13 AM 0 comments
Changed I had or have I???
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Happened to see sharon's mom when I went over for tuition last sunday and her first reaction was, "Avan! U've lost a lot of weight!!!" I reckon it wasn't weight that I lost, it is more of mass. In fact, some of my friends that I hadn't met for a while all said I look different.
So a question beckons, "Have I changed or have I not?"
Without a doubt, physically definitely yes but mentally and emotionally, I certainly dun think so.
Anyway, in the most bizarre of circumstances, I stumbled upon a few pics of me taken many years back and hell! they sure brought back memories. Those were the days.... Those were the days....

Posted by AvAn at 2:45 AM 0 comments
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