A Sudden Dawn of Light...

Sunday, September 7, 2008

It certainly came at the wrong timing. I was lying on my spacious bed trying to get a few hours of precious sleep before my tuition but I just couldn't wander off into slumberland. Trains of thoughts just came rushing into my head, keeping me wide awake till 7 in the morning. Aaarrghh!!!!!!!! How I dreaded that... Nonetheless, the wasted sleep was well worth.

Contradicting, I may sound but it is no where near. I like to sleep so it's only natural to complain about my deprived sleeping time. On the other hand, the thoughts that kept me awake might just shape my life now and in the future. So what exactly came into my mind??? You must be asking. Well... It's quite the mundane stuff like how to make more money; how to convince my siblings to invest in my penthouse; how to finance my uni education. In all honesty, I have been thinking about all these for quite a long while now so what distinguishing difference did I derived upon yesterday morning. The answer is .................................................SCHOLARSHIP!!!!

Like what FMUS1 said, I am one hell of a procrastinator. I suppose this stems from the fact that I lack discipline. Since discipline cannot be conjured from within, it has to be instilled extrinsically. Having a scholarship is one fricking good way of doing so. Dun any of you even think that I am delusional or anything of that sort coz I am not, and far from it. No one says that it's gonna be easy to obtain a scholarship. I see it as a viable option that is attainable with a tremendous amount of hard work. If I can secure this option for my uni studies, I am confident to say my future is pretty much mapped out the way I want it to be.

But.... There is alway a but ya know. I need to be able to study in a local uni in the first place. That means my gpa for poly gotta be 3.4 if not 3.5. Erm.... Where can I find the discipline from for this, I wonder??? I will figure something out real soon and I desperate need to. Panying and Shiqi are already working so hard. Very soon, a lot more will follow suit. I cannot be left in their wake. What if, what if even Mendi becomes so god damn studious and hardworking??? Omg!!! Unimaginable... "Mendi is catching up... Mendi is catching up..." This is what I need to remind myself every single day.