It's the festive period of the year again!!!

It's the festive period of the year again!!!
Posted by AvAn at 6:23 AM 2 comments
Back when the H1N1 pandemic was at its heights, I became my mom. Writing numerous parents' letters in hope of getting an approval for my Leave of Absence, citing fear of H1N1 as the primary reason. Although I reckon most of them were rejected anyway.
Posted by AvAn at 11:08 PM 0 comments
Omg!!! Ain't it awfully quiet in here! No updates, no pics, no nothing. Simply inactivity.
Hell! Where have I been for the past few weeks or maybe months?!?!?!?!?!?
Well~ Since it's halloween, maybe it's only fitting to start with an awful silence due to my sabbatical from blogging. As a matter of fact, the silence would have continued if I was at some halloween party but surprisingly, the party animal in me gotta lay low for some time yet.
So what exactly have I been up to lately? To be frank, it's the same old shit, ya know. Working, giving tuitions, schooling and falling sick. Yes, you saw it right. FALLING SICK!!!!!!!!!! Hai~ No doubt I've lost some mass over the months, I am still by no means a feeble wuss. I reckon it's a combination of factors that has taken its toll on my health.
Firstly, I haven't seriously worked out for maybe a year now. When I was attached, even if I didn't hit the gym regularly, there was still another form of workout I could engage in if you catch my drift. No exercise or whatsoever for such a long period of time is bad, real bad for health. Secondly, it has definitely gotta do with the 7-8 sticks of poison that I take everyday. Lastly, I haven't been sleeping well or eating well for the past few months. My biological clock is so screwed up that I could see an owl sometimes when I look into the mirror and bcoz of my haywired sleeping hours, I mostly only take 1 meal a day. Considering what a glutton I am, 1 meal a day is detrimental to say the least. If being healthy is in the pink of health, I would rate myself as a grey now.
Compounding to my misery, my new job isn't kind of helping with my sleeping hours. For those of you who haven't known, I am no longer working at Cafe Del Mar - heaven to those who enjoy the sun, sand, sea and a congregation of bikini-clad hot babes. Mostly due to financial reasons, I had to look for pastures new, or maybe old I should rightly put it. I am currently working at one of my previous workplaces with also loads of scantily-clad babes, albeit more sleazy in a sense. It's funny why and how I always have to work in an environment full of female presences. Perhaps this is destiny.... CRAP!!! Like I dig that kinda shit. I guess it's more appropriate to say it's in my blood to be surrounded by the opposite gender. If a human had 2 brains, no surprises which part of my anatomy the 2nd brain goes to. Lol!!! I know some of you must be eeeeeeing me. Like ya know, eeeeeee Avan this, eeeeeeee Avan that, so disgusting and stuff. STOP! You behave like that coz you ain't mature enough to embrace your own sexuality. Just like what SQ and Jol is learning in their psychology elective, human beings are about nothing but agression and sex. To be taught in a polytechnic tutorial class, it must be a scientically proven theory so dun debate it, rather, accept it. So you see for all the viewing pleasures I receive, sacrifices need to be made. The working hours are like 7-4am or 9-6am. Honestly speaking, it's more of the money than I being a voyeur for taking up the job and enduring the hours.
Enough said bout my new job or some psychology theory, let us now move to an extraordinary event of coincidence. I met Amy on the train while on the way to Yio Chu Kang just now! FYI, Amy was one of my flings. Meeting someone after so many years is coincidental but the incidents leading up to the meeting made it even more out of the world. Ok, long story short. Benny and I were heading to the SOmerset station after watching "Jennifer's Body". (The movie sucks!!!!! If not for a certain Megan, I would have left the theatre mid-way through.) We were supposed to go back to my place to be picked up by Ang Heng for Kumar's supper treat. At Somerset station before boarding the train, Lulu called to inform us that we couldn't take Ang Heng's car since it's fully packed so we needed to take his instead. That meant we had to meet Lulu at Yio Chu Kang instead of meeting Ang Heng at my place. Strangely, we boarded the train heading towards City Hall rather than the one heading towards Jurong East. We were probably too fixated on taking the train to Dhoby Ghaut to switch to the NEL to go Serangoon or maybe behaving like seat grabbing aunties that we totally didn't realise we were on the wrong train until we reached City Hall. We hurriedly alighted and switched to the north-south line heading towards Jurong at City Hall. Upon boarding the train, my razor sharp auntie seat detacting sensor locked on to a vacant seat and I was there sitting down in a flash. If I hadn't acted like an auntie, I wouldn't have been able to notice Amy who was sitting right opposite of me. My point is, if you rewind the series of events, I wouldn't have met her if we stuck to our original plan of meeting Ang Heng instead of Lulu; even if meeting Lulu was the original plan, I wouldn't have met Amy had we not taken the wrong direction; and finally even the original plan was to meet Lulu and we had taken the wrong train under the most unusual of circumstances, I wouldn't have seen Amy if I didn't rush to the only vacant seat as we would have just st00d by the door and be totally oblivious to the surroundings.
I am gonna contradict myself a lil coz as much as I dun believe in destiny, I do feel compelled to believe that certain things are fated in life. Seeing a slice of your past does bring a sense of deja vu. Hai~ If only I had kept her by my side, she would probably have made a good gf. Too bad,too bad...
Posted by AvAn at 3:21 AM 0 comments
TIO LA!!!!! BO TAI BO JI WASTED 30 BUCKS!!!!!! ARGH!!!!!!!!!
Hai~ Somehow, in a way or another, I got conned into going to this LSB (lup sup bar for the uninitiated) to meet a colleague's fren who's doing MLM.
Yes, I am guilty as charged as one of those who made fun of mendi's LSB exploits. Even so, I dun deny the fact that I would like to experience it at least once. Having said so, I didn't want my first foray to happen like that, in the company of complete strangers barring one, under those kinda circumstances.
To make matters worse, I already told my colleague that I didn't want a hostess to keep me company given how uncomfortable I was feeling with so many unfamiliar faces staring at me. Before I could even bail myself out of the stifling atmosphere, what I dreaded most happened to transpire.
A voluptuous TKB (Tiong Kok Bu) with bosoms squeezed to the brink of explosion, armed with kevlar thick make-up and clad in contour accentuating tight cleavage exposing dress sat beside me with barely 1 millimetre of space apart. Wow!!! A lesser man would be staring at her you know where non-stop.
As I wasn't prepared for her entrance and never wanted her company in the first place, I kept my eyes and hands off her and gave her the cold shoulders. In all honesty, I was a lil tempted to you know but I seriously seriously didn't wanna spend money. Unperturbed by my nonchalance, she started making her move on me by invading my privacy or should I say outraging my modesty. Lol!!! With one hand caressing my thigh and the other pouring drinks for me, it was apparent that she was trying her very best to induce me into action by getting me high and aroused. Sorry lady, you chose the wrong client at the wrong place at the wrong time. If you were my gf, I could've and would've done it in a heartbeat. Too bad! Hanky-panky with a charge of 30 bucks under the scrutiny of pple I barely even know is an absolute no-go for me. Sian half, she finally decided to leave the room and seek for pastures new.
Since I was already there, I tried my best to put on my fakest facade and socialise a lil here and there by playing pool and having a few drinks. Sensing a wee bit of weariness; and a hell lot of discomfort in my eyes from the chimney like room, I decided to take my leave. It was then when my colleague dropped the bombshell. "Avan, wait for ur girl to come back la. You gotta pay her the tips before leaving if not will suay." He said. I told him I didn't do anything for crying out loud so why should I even tip her! Well mate... It seems that I got it all wrong. For most LSBs, you gotta tip the girl once she sits beside you and makes her move no matter whether you reciprocate. Not wanting to stay any longer, I duly passed the money to my colleague and left the place before more Kang Taos crop up.
Evidently, I wasn't the single bit pleased. My first experience was a Kang Tao and kinda a big one. On the flipside, and as a mean of consolation, at least I know what a LSB is like now.
Posted by AvAn at 3:13 AM 0 comments
Happened to see sharon's mom when I went over for tuition last sunday and her first reaction was, "Avan! U've lost a lot of weight!!!" I reckon it wasn't weight that I lost, it is more of mass. In fact, some of my friends that I hadn't met for a while all said I look different.
Posted by AvAn at 2:45 AM 0 comments
Time is of the essence and it's at a premium...
At least that's what I am feeling of late. No time for this! No time for that! No time for my blog!!!!
Even when I had the time in the past 1 month, I spent it sleeping away. If not, I would be sitting in front of my lappy and refreshing the few websites - soccernet, facebook, teamtalk, onemanga & gutter - that I always go repeatedly without a particular aim. Hai~ If that wasn't enough, I even googled my name followed by a certain Lee Huishan!!!
In all honesty, I seriously do not have the luxury to be wasting my time like that. Inexplicably, I am getting more and more tired till the extent of not wanting to do anything constructive, not even updating my blog. So is it true that I have no time or am I dissipating it like how I used to???
Whatever the answer, I dun feel like dwelling on it. I m just looking forward to the chalet. A place where I could indulge myself in booze, ciggy, loads of gambling and hopefully some luck with the ladies. Lol! Not gonna be easy for the last one I reckon. Well... Just wanna drown myself in as many vices as possible so one less or one more does not really make much of a difference.
Apart from seeing my beloved Tong Tong, I really dunno what makes me happy anymore.
Just like Ang Heng, I need to be reincarnated fast if not now or else I would probably never get the chance again.
Dear peeps, as you could probably see how dire the condition I am in, I need to go into my emoing mode soon to do some soul-searching. In the event that I dun answer phone calls or reply smses, I hereby apologise in advance. Sorry...
Posted by AvAn at 2:56 AM 0 comments
There is a demon in me... Awaken yet again and clutching the very source of my life in its dark and filthy fist. Aaarrgghh!!!! NO!!!!!!! STOP!!!!!!!! As my cries for mercy go unheeded, streams and streams of my life is being drained with each passing day. I feel weak and despondent with whatever that is left in me. With all the power but no attempt to even wield it as I've slowly succumbed to the menacing will of the demon.
A part of me really wished I had stayed in Thailand and never returned. Back to face the harsh realities of life that Singapore's society poses. Hai~ Sian dao...................... I am lost for words to describe.
In all honesty, life hasn't been very smooth sailing since my return. Am I not welcomed by the society or simply there's no place for a loser like me????
Confronting the departure of a close fren to the land down under affected me more than I had expected. It set my mind into overdrive thinking about the path ahead of me when I eventually graduate from SP. It seemed pretty clear at one stage but I suppose things took a somewhat undesirable turn. I am kinda like running on empty but not making the move to fill the tank, if you know what I mean.
Not that I haven't been down this crossroad before. Hell! I have been through my fair share of adversities and never once had I backed down. Sadly, never once had I dealt with them admirably either. In short, I manage to survive, not thrive.
As much as I feel glad that Alvin has finally found his faith in God, I still hold the believe that if you are strong enough, there is no need to cling onto something spiritual for support. The problem is, I can't seem to muster the strength from within! To make matters worse, the day I find faith is probably gonna be the day I make God turn in his grave (if he has one) and wallop me so bad that I can no longer lock him out of my door.
Sometimes I find it really ironic for someone to have no strength but abundance of complacency. Smart, so!!! IAF is gonna bring me back tumbling down to earth. What's the point of having all the horsepower with no room to gallop!
I can seriously see myself being the next emo kid on block if nothing is done fast. Worse still, maybe even go insane. In fact, bordering between the fine line of sanity and insanity isn't all that bad. Crazy pple are unbelievably strong ok. Dead people like Salvatore Dali, Vincent Van Gogh, Albert Einstein, Mozart and even MJ to name a few should add some credibility to my claim. All of them were and still are considered as the geniuses in their own respective field. Who can argue with me that they weren't weird and a bit crazy! We have ourselves a necrophilia, a lunatic who severed one of his ears, a probable paedophile whose nose kept changing and the other two had done some crazy shit that I can't quite remember.
Who knows? It may turn out that being crazy is the new way of thriving in this mad mad world...
Posted by AvAn at 1:53 AM 0 comments
Sorry folks for this super duper belated post Thailand trip entry. Uploaded some pics that I have taken in Thailand so do enjoy...
Posted by AvAn at 10:50 PM 0 comments
For the sake of those who do not know hokkien well enough, "Ka Lo" stands for prison. Prison Break has been out for a few years now but it wasn't until recently that I started watching. Damn!!! It's one hell of a fricking good show!
No prizes for guessing my favourite character of the show. Like most, mine is definitely Michael Scofield. Considering how exaggeratingly smart he is in the show, I guess most would aspire to be him. Then again, Prison Break is nothing more than fiction. In reality, I don't think I would ever see someone with the intelligence of Michael Scofield in my lifetime. Which is why, he's kinda legendary, like a myth, outta our league.
Taking Michael out of the picture, I see myself more like T.Bag or Mahone. Both realistically smart with an evil bone in them; albeit the former naturally inclined and the latter compelled by circmstances. Between the two, T.Bag is still my preferred character. Not only is he smart, this boy can really talk. Way too eloquent for a psychopath in my opinion but that's his drawpoint, if you know what I mean.
Associating myself with such an antagonist in the show isn't really gonna put me in the limelight, that I am sure. It's ok, really. To be frank, I do see some similarities between T.Bag and myself. If I could put it this way, I think I am the way milder version of T.Bag. Lol!!! Gals, pls dun shun me. Hahaha!!! He's crazy, I'm just eccentric. Most importantly, he is impotent in the show. I AM NOT!!!
Barring Scofield, which character do you actually see similarities in? Tell me and let me be the judge. I would love to have someone say Bellick. Lol!!!
Posted by AvAn at 12:20 AM 1 comments
It was in the year 1985, May 18th, when I was probably taking my first baby steps that a girl by the name of Amanda Zee Wan Fung was born. She was then born into a family totally unrelated to mine and there was no chance in the world I would come into contact with her. Through our adolescent years, events unfolded and with a twist of fate, we ended up in the same secondary school.
Being one year her senior, it wouldn't be shocking to hear that we hadn't caught each other eyes back during our secondary school days. More surprising was the mere fact that she hadn't even heard of me!!! Seriously, how was that even possible when I was kinda notorious in sec school and I hanged out with some guys from her batch!!! Furthermore, her then very close fren, Joanne, was a student councillor that saw me almost everyday during recess coz I was hardly punctual for school and had to serve detention. As much as she can protest, I honestly believe she was a dork living in her own world during sec school days. Lol!!!
Whatever the reason, it was no longer important since the day I went to Suntec City to look for Joanne. Amanda and her were working there and that was the "first time" I saw Amanda. The rest as they say, was history...
Our friendship blossomed faster than I could have expected and truthfully, I am really glad it happened the way it did. Those days when I would crash at her hostel and play tennis the next day were truly fun. Nagging at her to go bathe simply added to the enjoyment. Hahaha!!! How we managed to be so close is in no small part due to our common love, Man Utd. Bcoz of this common love, she is affectionately known as my Fmus1 and I am her Fmus2.
As we grow older and supposedly more matured, coupled with her graduation from NUS, there are certain things that we no longer do, like staying over in her hostel. However, we more than made up for it by confiding in each other when we have problems. To me, she has become a soulmate, acting like a beacon when I am lost in the dark.
From time to time, I can't help but imagine the lost I would have suffered if our lives hadn't crossed path. Hence, I am grateful to her parents for having pik piak, conceived and given birth to her. It has since been 24 years from the day she came into this world and I wonder how many lives she has touched. Most importantly, she has touched mine and I can't thank her enough. I just wanna wish her a Happy 24th Birthday and hopefully I would be able to give her the present as I have promised sooner rather than later...
Posted by AvAn at 9:02 PM 0 comments
Posted by AvAn at 1:56 AM 0 comments
Kangtao la!!!! As diagnosed by my Fmus1, who knows me inside out, outside in, I am officially suffering from non-titoing withdrawal syndrome. Ji tao sian can!!!!
Hai~ I am not gonna go into the details of this syndrome but let me tell you, when you are suffering from it, YOU ARE IN DEEP SHIT!!!!!!! In a way or another, it sucks the zest out of your life and makes everything mundane and boring.
Like how my Fmus1 put it, maybe I should join a recruitment agency and be always on the prowl for kips to tito. Lol!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Honestly speaking, I really had no idea that my Fmus1 could be so humorous. That timbre is one hell of a lucky bastard!!! Hahaha!!!!!!! Pls dun tire my Fmus1 with your pp's requests if not she wun be able to tell me jokes liao.
If you really think bout it and look ard, there are actually kips all ard. The thing is whether they are titoable remains to be seen. Therefore, sad to say, I am not gonna recover any time soon!!!!!
Posted by AvAn at 1:00 AM 1 comments
Boredom kills.......or so it's said to be. Nah~ To me it doesn't but it certainly weakened my resolve. Hai~ I did something that I really shouldn't have done.
Slacking at Ah Da's place with nothing else to do, I inexplicably had the urge to msg her and eventually I did. Why did I even change my handphone number in the first place!!! I wanted to shut her out of my life and there I was letting her in again. Tio tio tio....
It really got me thinking. As much as I enjoy my singlehood, there are times when I would feel lonely and bored, and really need a companion. I do have friends that I could hang out and spend time with. However, the feel is really different if you know what I mean. Imagine if I had a gf, I would most likely not be at Ah Da's place, probably spending time with her and given how faithful a bf I could be, there's no chance of me msging her!
Omg!!! There I go again ranting about how much I need someone... Maybe I do, maybe I don't. The thing is, I know I am not ready to have one simply bcoz I don't have enough time and money. I need time for school, tuitions, family, friends and myself. Throw in a gf and there goes my sleep. I need money for retail therapy, class 2B lessons and eventually class 3, grad trip, family trip, my food and chloe's food, some other miscellaneous expenses. Add in expenses on my gf and I can say goodbye to my retail therapy, grad and family trips, class 2B and class 3 lessons. When you put everything into perspective, it's really hard to find that someone accomodating enough to settle down with. That's why I have been incessantly telling myself that having a gf is like the least of my priorities. Inevitably, this resolve has also been weakened with the very existence of this entry.
Sometimes I really do wonder how Mendi managed to survive his 25 years of mundane life without ever having a gf. Perhaps the recent LSB visits did soothe his pain a lil. Lol!!! At the very least, he gotta know how it feels like to TNN and make full use of his large fingers. Hahahah!!! Mendi, pls dun kill me... I am simply too bored, that's all...
Posted by AvAn at 1:44 AM 0 comments
Come 21/12/2012, would I still be able to sit in front of my laptop and comfort of my own home posting entry?!?!?!?!
I suppose no one could answer this question as we are merely humans. But why this date? Well... For those that are still ignorant or oblivious to the prophecy, this date is deemed to be DOOMSDAY!!!
If you ask me if I believe in it, I would consider myself to be sitting on the fence. Frankly speaking, most of us have heard of other prophecies over the past decade and apparently, none of them has come true. However, this one is somewhat different. It kinda coincides with the end of Mayan calendar and the peak of Solar activity. I even saw an article on the papers reporting on NASA's revelation on the likely impact that the solar flares might caused in 2012.
It got me thinking. Is it even worth studying or working now when you know the world might be coming to an end? I really dun wanna waste time doing stuff that ultimately you know would count for nothing. Then again, who can be sure... As long as it hasn't happened, we have no choice but to do what we do or are supposed to do simply because of the likelihood that it might not happen.
At the very least, even if it does happen, I am not afraid. In fact, I am kinda excited. Can you imagine! It's something like what you see in "Armageddon"! Imagine myself saying on national television, "I'm speaking to you not as a citizen of Singapore, not as a student of SP, not as your fren from GMH/Tummy Gang, but as a member of humanity. We are faced with a catastrophe so great that none has ever witnessed throughout the history of mankind; so devastating that it would wipe out the whole of humanity. God speed to all of you...."
I have always imagined myself hugging the one I love when the day comes. You know... "Till death do us part" that sort of thing. Since I don't really have a partner that I love right now, I guess my fantasy won't come true. Then again, there are many other stuff that I wanna do and couldn't have done if Doomsday isn't coming. For example, I wanna punch all those that I hate or dislike right in their faces. Maybe even cripple them. Lol!!!!!!!! Of course the list goes on and on but I can't be too explicit if not, the police might just pay me a visit sooner rather than later.
According to the prophets, we still have approximately 3 and a half years to live so why worry about something that we have no control over. I say we should just live life, get paid and get laid...
Posted by AvAn at 11:32 PM 1 comments
Have you ever felt there's someone in your life that you were destined to meet??? I certainly do. In fact, there are so many of them; my GMH members, My Tummy Gang members, some DBA09 mates, Bro Edward, Benny, Wendy, 9AMB army buddy, Lucas, even Huishan and Mei.
Most of them have a positive influence and are of utmost importance to me. They have seen me fall and pick myself up over and over again through these years and relentlessly lending a helping hand; and some even went through thick and thin with me. I call these pple the "Untouchables". Their position in my heart will never ever be replaced. If need be, I am more than willing to put my life on the line for their sake. Definitely, my GMH and Tummy Gang members along with Bro Edward and Benny belong to the "Untouchables".
After the "Untouchables", I have the 2nd tier of DBA09 mates, Wendy, Lucas and 9AMB buddy. These peeps are also held very close to my heart. Any closer, they would be in the "Untouchables" category.
Unfortunately, Huishan and Mei are the 2 that I would rather not have met. The former left a cut so deep that it can never be healed completely and the latter contrived to pour salt on it. I suppose I won't be able to forget them simply due to the scar and pain they had inflicted on me.
Well... Like I have mentioned many times before, God always have the knack of playing games with us. For all the misery, God bestowed upon me my FMUS1 to soothe the pain and lighten the scar. She belongs to the heavenly realm of "God sent" above the "Untouchables". Just like how Sher described her bestie. FMUS1 has always been my female bestie but maybe all along, she has been more than that. Underneath the tough exterior, FMUS1 is as sweet as strawberry chocolate. Lol!!! FMUS1, I hope you like the metaphor.
Over the course of our relatively short friendship of ard 5 years, I have been blessed with lil gifts from my FMUS1 that meant a hell lot. A few years back when I tore my knee ligament, she gave me a miniature cushion Rugby 7 nations ball. Truth be told, it isn't so much to do with the ball, it is the words that were written on it. Words of encouragement to pull me out of the deepest and darkest abyss of self-pity.
Of course, there were also others like "Tuesdays with Morrie" and "Numero 2" diary. I shan't go further if not I might just get too emo and tear. I just might....
Just wanna post the pic of my FMUS1's latest interpretation of our friendship...
Posted by AvAn at 11:54 PM 2 comments
To be honest, my internship has drained the zest out of me. I don't really feel like doing anything, not even blogging. I just feel like lazing in front of my laptop and watch movie after movie to rest my tired body and soul. But... I have to satisfy my readers. As much as I wanna watch movie right now, I know I have the duty to update my blog for whoever that might have an interest, even if it's only one person. Therefore, I shall continue my "Mondays with Psycho" with chapter 3.
As I had promised, chapter 3 will be on societal stereotype. An idea given to me by Sherilyn, my partner in crime at VATit Pte Ltd. Lol!!!!!
In short, societal stereotype is the perception of a person on the basis of a society's norm. Since the day you were born, you would have been immersed in the values of your society. These values are subconsciously instilled into your mind throughout the many phases of life. However, these values aren't permanent, they could be changed under the influence of external factors.
Frankly speaking, although my family is rather dysfunctional, I can say my upbringing is rather conventional until I reached the age of 12. My mom is kinda conservative in her thinking which is pretty much in tandem to the normal asian culture. During my younger years, she was the one inculcating me with the do's and don'ts, right and wrong. Sadly, the guidance came to an abrupt halt when my parents got divorced when I was 12. After which, it was really learn as you grow for me given the fact that I hav a father who cannot care less.
I can still recall vividly that one day when I was looking through my father's belongings in his car when I was ard 14. I managed to find this box of condom and you can never imagine what my father said to me at that very moment. "Ah ren, yao yong cai na, mei you yong jiu fang hui ju." In english, he told me to take only if I need it, if not, put it back. In case any of you are wondering, I didn't take it back then.
Apart from my father, I suppose my liking for english sitcoms has a hand in moulding my character as well. The westerners have always been more liberal than asians and consequentially, so am I compared to most of my peers. Not forgetting to mention that my younger sis is also a lesbian. All these attributed to why I deviate from the norm in many aspects of life.
To me, I feel it's perfectly fine to be wit someone of different races, with a large age gap or even attached or married. My 2nd gf is a malay and my most recent one is 8 years my senior. She was still married when we first started for crying out loud!!! But do I really care?!?! Fricking no!!!! As far as I am concerned, if you like someone, there should be no barriers too great. Do you think likewise? I really doubt so. The most common perception would be that of I was a toyboy living off my older gf. Well... You are entitled to think in whatever ways you like. As long as I know that's not the case, I really dun giv a damn bout what you think.
To a certain extent, my FMUS1 faced a similar sort of problem when she was wit Indian a.k.a Dey. Hahaha!!! Being a chinese having an indian BF, it definitely attracted stares. If I am not mistaken, her dad wasn't really supportive of the cross-racial relationship. Did that stop her from being with Indian?!?! Nope! For that, I kow-tow to her. They had genuine feelings for each other so why not. Stop being a racist and you will open the door to more options.
Relationships aside, appearance is the one thing that gets the most stereotypes. And let me tell you, I am no stranger to that. Just last week alone, I had my auntie telling my cousin that I looked like a "cha bo" coz I was carrying a tote bag; and my army fren's gf asking if I am normal coz of the yellow v-necked top I wore and the movies I had watched recently and am going to watch soon. Is a tote only for ladies? Is a romantic comedy gay? Is it not possible for a man to be sentimental and tear when watching a sad movie? Is wearing a yellow v-necked top effeminate when your favourite colour is yellow and the v-necked collar accentuates your neckline? They could have laboured me as flamboyant, metrosexual, sentimental and sensitive. Apparently, they did not coz all that I had just mentioned were deviances to their perceived norms. Like I said, I have a lesbian sister and I ever worked in the retail line so I get to interact with pple with loads of flair. Sometimes, pple just need to step out of their small tiny boxes and get to see the world in a more vibrant way.
Ironically, I cannot understand how some pple can see me as a gay and some see me as an Ah Beng. From my personal opinion, these 2 cannot match. One being more sophisticated and the other being more vulgar. I do admit I can look rather fierce at times due to my features and complexion. However, if you really know me, you can see how different I am from an Ah Beng. Miles apart, I have to say. I hardly use expletives and I am too smart to be one. Then again, my appearance paints the image of one so pple perceive me as one.
It never ceases to astonish me how many different ways pple could perceive me to be. The bottomline is, those are just societal stereotypes. Not exactly what I truly am.
I have been going on and on and on about how pple tend to stereotype. Being a victim of those stereotypes, I used myself as an example. Truth be told, I am also guilty of stereotyping. As humans, stereotyping is somewhat part and parcel of life. It's really quite unavoidable when you get to see pple that are different from you. The thing is, it doesn't matter whether you stereotype or not, it is more of how often you stereotype and to what degree.
The more exposure you get, the greater the experience and knowledge. With an open mind, you tend to acclimatize faster and easier with changes which lessens the tendency to stereotype. So for those out there who stereotype very often, here is a piece of advice for you. Step out of your mundane life and experience what living is like. At least, this is what I am trying to do...
Posted by AvAn at 10:24 PM 3 comments
Pple normally associate twins to be identical. On the contrary, my brother and I are far from it. We really have nothing in common except maybe our laughter. Some of my frenz even used to label us the devil and the saint. Lol!!! No prizes for guessing who's the devil and who's the saint.
Truth be told, I am glad my brother and I are rather different. If there's somebody else in the world that resembles you a lot, you won't be that unique already rite. In spite of what I have mentioned, there were actually occasions that I wished my brother is an identical twin of mine. I suppose most of us ever encountered moments where we really wanna split ourselves into two. You know what I mean! Like you need to cover two places or meet two different persons almost at the same time.
Hai~ I'm facing a dilemma now and I have a feeling no matter which option I take, it's gonna be cui cui... I have really shot myself in the foot this time round. Ah du ah, ah du~ Why are you so different from me???? If not, you could have eased my selection problem a hell lot.
I am keeping my fingers crossed for now. Who knows? Maybe things will pan out in such a way that work in my favour. Amitabha, amitabha....
Posted by AvAn at 12:01 AM 0 comments
Chapter 2, chapter 2... I was deliberating between my Fmus1's and Sherilyn's suggestions earlier on and couldn't really decide on which one to write about. If not for my Fmus1's current predicament, I would have gone with Sher's suggestion. Since all constructive suggestions are given consideration, my next chapter will be on Sher's suggestion k. So let us now start proper on Chapter 2...
Relationships... It's such a fascinating thing that never ceases to amaze me. I have always believe it to be building blocks of our lives. Even on the day you are born, a relationship is already being forged and that's none other than kinship with your family. As you go through different phases of your life, other relationships - friendship, comradeship, boy-girl relationship, matrimonial relationship - are also being forged along the way. From a personal perspective, I feel these relationships have a hand in moulding one's character. Considering my Fmus1's predicament as well as my elder sis's, I will narrow the scope of this chapter to the latter 2 relationships.
Like the term suggests, a boy-girl relationship is one between a boy/man and a girl/woman. Well... With homosexuality being prevalent, the line is somewhat blurred. This form of relationship can exist between a boy/man and boy/man or a girl/woman and girl/woman. Basically, we call these people gays or lesbians. Before I proceed, I have to reiterate that I have no prejudice against homosexuals k. Now we shall continue...
Have you ever wondered why we, humans, always have the tendency to fall into such a relationship even though we know how much the disputes, betrayal and breakups can hurt us??? Honestly, this question has been baffling me since I experienced my first heartbreak. Why can't we just behave like animals, have sex and reproduce!?!? I mean we are primitively no different from animals. Who the hell caused evolution!!!!!!!!
Hai~ I suppose there's no point ranting when we are already what we are. Since it is rather inevitable for us to fall into a relationship, isn't it better to think of ways of making it work rather than asking why it doesn't...
Frankly speaking, I have only had 4 gfs my entire life and only 2 of those can be considered as serious so I am really no relationship guru. I am just some random guy shedding light on what I think may make a relationship tick. However, if you think what I am about to type is just a shitload of crap, pls proceed to the top right hand corner of your screen and click on the X button.
Good riddance! to those who think too highly of themselves. For those who are still with me, thanks for staying and I hope my 2 cents worth of advice is helpful in a way or another.
First and foremost, it is imperative for us to determine the elements of a healthy relationship. In my opinion, they are love, trust, communication and understanding. The lack of any one of them can prove to be detrimental to the relationship. In order for a relationship to be strong, there must be love involved. Love is something very subjective; some pple may perceive it as a huge infatuation while others may perceive it as a total submission of life and freedom. As for me, I see it as a longing for someone; caring for that someone; devoting yourself to that someone and respecting that someone. Hence, if your perception of love is a balanced and rational one, you have every chance of building a strong foundation to the relationship provided the other party shares the same sentiment.
No matter how strong the foundation is, it can still be eroded away without trust, communication and understanding. Imagine a relationship without trust... Every single day, you would be living in paranoia. The deeper you love the other party, the more paranoid you get. Even before you realise, the manifestation of suspicion and paranoia has already started eating off at the relationship.
Apart from distrust, disputes and differences can also be as damaging. Like I have always said, we live in a highly developed and civilised society and there's no reason why we should behave like barbarians to resolve matters. Even if you dun scream and throw punches to resolve matters like barbarians, keeping mum isn't really doing the relationship any favours either. Maybe normal service would resume after a few days of cold war, with all the dirt brushed under the carpet. But make no mistake that one fine day, the old ghost will come back and haunt you. It's really very simple. Imagine yourselve being a time bomb. Whenever there is a cold war, one party will have to swallow his/her pride and make the first move in appeasing the other party. As this vicious cycle repeats itself time and time again, you can relate the built up grievance in either parties to the ticking of a time bomb. It's really only a matter of which party has a lower threshold and explodes first.
That brings me to communication and understanding. Speaking from my own experience, my ex gf is the sort who keeps mum when she's not happy with something and will pull a long face for the rest of the day. Throughout my estimated 1 year relationship wit her, I hardly raised my voice when she gave me attitude, maybe only the once or twice when she really stepped over the line. To me, there's no need to act in this manner when we can resolve matter in a cultured way. That's why, almost every time I noticed an issue arising, I would sit her down and talk to her in a good way hoping that she would get the message. No matter whose fault it was, I always held the belief that we ought to communicate and reach a common understanding so that the same problem wouldn't crop up again. Hai~ Unfortunately, most of the time, I was just talking to a block of wood. So when one party isn't receiving and giving, the communication will inevitably breakdown and there goes the understanding.
After discussing all the elements, I have to admit it's easier said than done. But if you think about it, when you are not even willing to give it a go, then why in the first place do you wanna start a relationship?!?!
When a relationship is deemed to be stable, a couple would normally proceed to the next stage, marriage. More often than not, couples fail to realise the underlying problems in their relationships and rush into a marriage. If a relationship is hard to sustain, a marriage is even more so. In addition to the aforementioned elements, a marriage warrants more responsibility and commitment.
Sad to say, divorce has somewhat become more and more a norm this days. Vows count for nought... Usually, it's a case of problems in the relationship being brought forward into the marriage. As you can see, the two have a very strong correlation. I would like to see the relationship before marriage as the foundations of marriage.
Take my elder sis for example, she was rushed into the marriage with my bro-in-law for a reason that I think needs no spelling out. They were only in courtship for less than a year and truth be told, they hadly knew each other. The lack of communication didn't help matters and after ard 18 years of marriage, the situation has deteriorated beyond salvage. To my elder sis, my bro-in-law is just some guy living under the same roof that she can no longer communicate with, understand and trust. As much as she wanted to salvage the marriage, there's only this lil that one party could do when the other party couldn't care less.
The bottomline is, never rush into a relationship or even more so a marriage when both parties aren't ready. My sister committed a mistake out of folly and she's living to regret it. Being close to her, it pains me to see her in her current state. If it were up to me, I would rather she take up the other option back then and not marry my bro-in-law. She's such a nice person, responsible mother, doting sister and she obviously deserves better.
Of course if we are not talking about a serious relationship or marriage, then there's no need to bother about what I've typed so far. In my dictionary, the appropriate word to use would be fling. I've had my fair share of flings and they were certainly fun. Like no strings attached and stuff, no worries no nothing. But how long can you fling around and not settle down? We are not immortals. We age and we die eventually. It's only a matter of time when you know you have to start taking relationships seriously and when that day comes, you could maybe reflect on what I've mentioned in this entry and who knows, it may just work for you...
Posted by AvAn at 11:32 PM 3 comments
Before I embark on another lengthy wordy post, below are some pics for your viewing pleasure...
Mini 25th birthday celebration at my twin brother's gf's house (For those who haven't known, the guy wearing black tank top is my twin brother)
Posted by AvAn at 9:10 PM 0 comments
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