Withdrawal Syndrome From Non-Titoing...

Monday, May 11, 2009

Kangtao la!!!! As diagnosed by my Fmus1, who knows me inside out, outside in, I am officially suffering from non-titoing withdrawal syndrome. Ji tao sian can!!!!

Hai~ I am not gonna go into the details of this syndrome but let me tell you, when you are suffering from it, YOU ARE IN DEEP SHIT!!!!!!! In a way or another, it sucks the zest out of your life and makes everything mundane and boring.

Like how my Fmus1 put it, maybe I should join a recruitment agency and be always on the prowl for kips to tito. Lol!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Honestly speaking, I really had no idea that my Fmus1 could be so humorous. That timbre is one hell of a lucky bastard!!! Hahaha!!!!!!! Pls dun tire my Fmus1 with your pp's requests if not she wun be able to tell me jokes liao.

If you really think bout it and look ard, there are actually kips all ard. The thing is whether they are titoable remains to be seen. Therefore, sad to say, I am not gonna recover any time soon!!!!!


fmus1 said...

wahhahha! ur post is damn funnyyy laaa!! i burst out luffing reading it in office! lol!