"Jin ku liao"

Tuesday, November 28, 2017

It has been a really long time since my last post, isn't it?!?! I reckon it has been at least 5 years since I wrote something here...

How much had happened in the past 5 yrs of my life!!! One thing for sure is I ain't getting any younger and the other thing I could possibly say with some certainty is that I am still stuck in quite a rut. Not really too much of a difference to when I last posted something😣

I have gotten my freedom yes. I have progressed somewhat at work yes. I am doing voluntary work on a regular basis yes. However, I feel I haven't moved at all, still trying to climb out of the dark abyss of dissipation. Dissipation of my time which would be better served achieving self actualization which I have been championing for quite a while.

Hai... How long more before I could really move on???