Hav you ever smelled a dog's fart??? Well... I just did. My chihuahua just farted while lying on my lap. If you haven't known, dogs r pretty much like humans. They snore, they fart and they burp. What exactly took me so long to actually experience it for the first time..........
I am guilty. I admit I am. Guilty for not spending enough time with my dogs. Hai~ Truth be told, I am a lousy owner. They wag their tails everytime I come home; they lick me everytime they have the chance; they wanna play catch with me whenever I sit on the floor watching tv. They are crying out for my attention and I disappoint them every single time.
Honestly speaking, I dunno why sluts are also called bi-atches. They dun even come close to being dogs. In the context of canines, they are really loyal and that is one virtue that sluts totally lack. As far as I am concerned, sluts pale in comparison.
However undeserving they are, they always seem to cause me no end of hell. I am not foolish, I must be blind to even allow not one but two to leave a scar in me. For the past couple of days, I have been feeling a void in my life. Not saying that I have been feeling sad or anything, it just seems that something is missing.
Is it companionship; is it sex; or is it a mixture of the two??? I wish I have an answer to this... I doubt I am gonna find an answer soon though. Whatever it is, I just gotta keep myself as occupied as possible. At the very least, this coming week is gonna be damn hectic for me. I wun even have time to think bout other stuff.
Before I embark on my busy schedule ahead, it's best I upload a pic that I took during one of the lectures. Jolene! You dun hav to thank me for this pic k. Just dun cry too much and stay chirpy will do. I dun like to see my fren's tears.

lousy la tat picture.. me and jol like WAITING for someting BIG!!!=P
no worries... i hav another one coming up soon.
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