Daily Goal Setting...

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

This is my first post as a university graduate, albeit a private one. Being a graduate now having gone through university education, I should be better in many aspects - linguistic capability, academic and general knowledge - as compared to before. Unfortunately to my utmost dismay, I believe I have retrograded, let alone improve!!!

After all the trials and tribulations that I had gone through, I should have learnt and known better. Sadly, it wasn't meant to be. I continue letting myself be affected by stuff beyond my control when I could have channeled the time and effort doing something constructive for myself.

Being already 28, I seriously do not have the luxury to burden myself with unnecessary stuff. In order to buck this trend, something concrete has to be done. Something that's gonna make me a better man, exuding confidence.

Since primary school all the way through to university, we have been encouraged to set goals. I never quite believe in that, which probably explains why I perennially fell way short of my desired target. Not anymore m I gonna stop heeding the same advice given by so many teachers and lecturers.

As of today, I'm gonna set myself daily 2-tier goal. Even if I dun accomplish the upper tier, I m not too far off by landing the lower tier. By doing so, I give myself some leeway to gradually acclimatize to a life of getting things done on a systematic basis.

Avan Tan!!!! You can do it!!!!